Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Concatenation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Concatenation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

In formal language theory and computer programmingstring concatenation is the operation of joining two character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of "snow" and "ball" is "snowball".

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BET: Microsoft Excel Formulas - A1 or R1C1 Notation

BET: Microsoft Excel Formulas - A1 or R1C1 Notation:

What is R1C1 Notation ?


This is another way to create cell references which uses numbers for both the rows and columns.


Cell References are displayed in terms of their relationship to the cell that contains the formula rather than their actual position in the grid.


Cells are referred to by relative notation. Absolute references have numbers. Relative references have numbers in square brackets.


The above formulas will be changed to the following when you switch to R1C1 notation.


Negative row numbers mean that the referenced cell is above the cell containing the formula.


Negative column numbers mean that the referenced cell is to the left of the cell containing the formula.


Changing to R1C1 notation will change all the formulas in that workbook.

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TEXT function - Excel - Office.com

TEXT function - Excel - Office.com:







=A2&" sold "&TEXT(B2, "$0.00")&" worth of units."Combines cell A2, the text string " sold," cell B2 (formatted as currency), and the text string " worth of units." into a phrase.Burke sold $2800.00 worth of units.
=A3&" sold "&TEXT(B3,"0%")&" of the total sales."Combines cell A3, the string " sold," cell B3 (formatted as a percentage), and the text string " of the total sales." into a phrase.Dykstra accounted for 40% of the total sales.
="Date: " & TEXT(C2,"yyyy-mm-dd")Displays the value in C2 in a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day format.Date: 2007-08-06
="Date-time: " & TEXT(C2,"m/d/yyyy h:mm AM/PM")Displays the value in C2 in a short date, 12-hour time format.Date-time: 8/6/2007 3:00 PM
=TEXT(C2,"0.00E+00")Displays the value in C2 in scientific (exponential) format.3.93E+04
TEXT(C2,"$#,##0.00")Displays the value in C2 in a currency format, with a thousands separator.$39,300.63

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